- Version
- Download 41
- File Size 4.32 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 2 May 2017
- Last Updated 19 September 2024
This tool allows you to convert .BAT files to .EXE files
- Run as administrator
- Run hidden
- 32-bit or 64-bit
- Own logo
- Include files
- ...
Some scripts you can include in your BAT files to make the coding easier.
Name | Parameters | Description |
aes | [-d|-e] [pass] [source] [target] | AES encryption |
brieflz | [-c|-d] [source] [target] | BriefLZ Compressor/Decompressor |
changeexeicon | [iconfile] [infile] [outfile] | Change the icon of an exe file |
closewindow | [windowtitle] | Close the specified window |
crc32 | [file|-s string] | Calculate the CRC32-checksum |
download | [URL] [target] | Internet file download |
far | {Options} [source] [target] [searchstring] [replacestring] | Search and replace file content |
filebrowse | [title] [default file] ... | Browse for files |
flashwindow | [title] [count] [timeout] [flag] [background] | Flash a window |
folderbrowse | [title] [initial folder] | Browse for folder |
getlanguage | [-s|-u] | Detect system/user language |
getspecialfolder | [value] | Retrieve special folder |
hidewindow | [windowtitle] | Hide the specified window |
iconextractor | [infile.exe] {outpath} | Extract exe-icons |
inputbox | {-m} [title] [text] [def. input] | Input box |
join-and-split | [-j|-s] [file] [outpath.] {size} | Join and split file(s) |
lzma | [-c|-d] [source] [target] | LZMA Compressor/Decompressor |
makeadmin | [infile] [outfile] {-d} | Add an administrator manifest to the exe |
maketoolwindow | [windowtitle] | Window to toolwindow |
maskedinput | [title] | Masked text input |
maximizewindow | [windowtitle] | Maximize the specified window |
md5 | [file|-s string] | Calculate the MD5-checksum |
messagebox | [title] [text] {flagnr.} | Display a messagebox |
minimizewindow | [windowtitle] | Minimize the specified window |
mouse | [Click] | Simulate mouse clicks |
movewindow | [X] [Y] | Move a window |
osversion | {-h|-v} | Detect the operation system |
play | {-f} [file] | Simple Media Player |
rc4 | [password] [infile] [outfile] | RC4 encryption |
record | [seconds] [outfile] | Sound recorder |
resizewindow | [title] [X] [Y] [width] [height] | Resize window |
savefiledialog | [title] [default file] ... | Open a dialog to save a file |
screenshot | [X] [Y] [width] [height] | Screenshot utility |
sendkey | [key] | Simulate special keys |
sendkeys | [option] [text] | Simulate text |
setcursorposition | [X] [Y] | Change the cursor position |
setforegroundwindow | [windowtitle] | Set the foreground window |
setwindowtitle | [windowtitle] [new title] | Set the windowtitle |
setwindowtransparency | [windowtitle] [value] | Set the transparency of a window |
sha1 | [file|-s string] | Calculate the SHA1-checksum |
sha2 | [file|-s string] | Calculate the SHA2-checksum |
sha3 | [file|-s string] | Calculate the SHA3-checksum |
showwindow | [windowtitle] | Show the specified window |
sleep | [milliseconds] | Suspend execution |
speak | [-t text|-f filename] | Speak text/filecontent |
windowontop | [windowtitle] | Make the window stay on top |